Friday, May 29, 2009

#1 - Harry Potter's Next Seven Years

Harry Potter, the Next Seven Years

I started this blog as a location to post the comics I'm creating for publication in The Commons, a monthly newspaper for the Windham County, VT area. I believe this particular cartoon will be included in an issue coming out mid-July.

I chose the title, Oodles of Doodles, because my step kids have taken to calling me "Doodles." At first it was Addy, then Addy-Doodles, and now just Doodles. Now I have neighborhood children shouting "Hey Doodles!" at me, which is both funny and unnerving. Coincidentally, my friend Matt has a blog called The Doodle Delicatessen, and my friend Andy Hook used to go by the name "Doodlebug" online. And I once had a dog named Doodles too. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.